Yakuza 0 (龍が如く0)
Status: Completed! [28.11.24]
Rating: ★★★★★
[29.11.24] 9:37 PM

before i started Yakuza 0 i'd already seen some of the major plot points from hearing my dad play it in the same room, and even with that the story was still fucking enthralling. telling both Kiryu and Majimas stories separately and watching them slowly snowball together until the literal LAST CHAPTER where the entire thing falls into place was so iconic. there were so many times where my jaw literally dropped because of a plot point reveal (like the first time they showed Tachibana with the bat tattoo). and i think Kiryu and Majima are the perfect protagonists for this game because of the way that they differ but still have similar motives. they're both young and good-hearted yakuza who end up getting kicked out of the family for one reason or another. and while kiryu ends up getting back into the yakuza to try and find his way amongst the yakuza, majima adopts a new persona to empower himself and not allow people to basically kick him around anymore. the kiryu-shibusawa battle on the boat really characterizes kiryu perfectly. because when shibusawa reveals his dragon tattoo and basically trauma dumps about how he wants to be the Dragon of Dojima and kiryu basically tells him "thats stupid" and then he becomes known as the Dragon of Dojima. which is beautiful. the way he acts during fights reminds me more of a viscious doberman than anything. kiryu is the hottest man alive. majima is the hottest man alive. oda is was the hottest man alive. nishki is the hottest man alive. i love how they're always ripping their shirts off. i love how they all have super fucking cool tattoos. i would fuck them all.