i've never been much of a sneakerhead, mostly because i grew up poor and bought all my shit from Walmart, but learning about the history of these shoes basically made them my number one sought after collectors item ever. and honestly kind of got me into sneakers. i think sneakerheads get a bad rap. like i remember one of my middle school science teachers ragged on it because "ohhh they dont use the shoes whats the point" and its like... thats, kind of the point of collecting. like obviously not everything. i collect CDs and i use them a lot. but like the double standard against sneakerheads is kind of nutty. like theres things you can criticize about consumerism and over consuption. but i really dont think the 45 year old guy who likes vintage nikes is contributing to climate change as much as taylor swift sooo.

but thats off topic. these three shoes: the 1993 Nike Decades, the 2008 never-released Nike SB Dunk Samples, and the later released 2009 Nike SB 'Un-Heavens Gate' Dunks

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