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is this what it feels like to be flirted with??? i literally have no idea but holy fuck that guy was actually so fuckin cute and he like. talked to me ?? sounds stupid but jesus he was actually so attractive. like i swear until he mentioned he was married i would've 100% asked for his number. this must be some sort of cosmic irony that the one guy who seemed mildly interesting to me who is my age is also married.

[19.11.24] - In bed listening to The Snark Tank

the winds are going crazy right now outside, im so glad that i charged my laptop last night cause otherwise id probably be sleeping right now. but anyways, i saw Rise Against a few days ago and it was literally the best show ive ever been a part of. the opener was good, but it felt like the guitarist couldnt keep up with the drummer so the rhythm was kinda fucked up. LS Dunes was pretty sick, they felt like if Deryck from Sum 41 was in a metalcore band. there were these two girls up front who clearly went their for them because they left right after and i didnt see them the rest of the show. which worked out in my favor because i could actually see. i was like 2 rows behind the front row and it was the coolest fucking thing ever. as soon as Rise Against came out people started pushing forward. i thought these two people behind be wanted to mosh because they kept pushing my back but they were just assholes who took my spot. but i didn't care because i was able to find the mosh pit and i moshed the rest of the night. got some battle scars from it too. the setlist was so sick because they played some songs from RPM which made me freak out. i fell down in the pit (twice) but people picked me up. i also severely underestimated how shitty white claws were because i got one halfway into LS Dunes set and i chugged it and it still did nothing. cost me 12 bucks too. like i wasnt trying to black out but damn i wanted to feel something. i didn't get any good footage really, but i think thats just a testament to how much fun i was having.

but anyways, about today since this supposed to be a journal. i was late to work today, per usual, and the wind was already getting pretty bad in the early afternoon. i knew it was going to get bad because thats all the weather was talking about yesterday. the lights at work kept flickering but i dont think it ever shut off completely. when i got to the Safeway though there were two separate times where the power throughout the whole lot went out for a few seconds and then came back on and one of them happened when i was inside which was crazy. since i cant heat anything up at home i got a chicken sandwich from the gas station and ate the soup i got at work. im basically gonna code until my laptop battery goes out. me and the cat have just been trying to stay warm in my uninsulated room.

[12.11.24] - At the library listening to The Snark Tank

went to ███████s work and gave him a coffee. i spent all morning talking to this person about securing an apartment and i finally have an aparment in my favorite seattle neighborhood ever !!!! ill finally have an entire apartment thats just mine, even if it is a 161 sq ft studio. ive spent the last hour just planning everything out because im moving out in early january. but im so fuckin excited.

[11.11.24] - In the bathroom watching oliSUNvia

███████ is mad at me because i didn't immediately go into a xenophobic rant about hispanic people from watching a dog commercial in spanish. as if the existence of a second language should've put me into a white hot rage. i argued with him about it for like 10 minutes because why tf are you so emotional over something like this??? after he put █████ to bed he said he was going to bed even though i know that he stays up to at least 11 pm every night so thats not true. whatever. im sure he'll be over it tomorrow. he literally cannot fathom that learning languages takes time and gets so upset at a latino dog. he wouldn't have had this reaction if it was in german because it doesn't feed into his xenophobic worl view about mexicans "infultrating" america and "expecting everything to change for them."


ive been freaking out the past week about the election but especially now because trump is going to win.. i literally dont know what im gonna do. im privileged enough to live in washington state, where most if not all my rights are gonna be kept. but i have queer friends in the south and midwest and i know immigrants at my work and project 2025 is terrifying even to someone who is going to be as far away from it as i can be. i dont want to live in a christo facsist dictatorship, i dont want my queer friends to be forcibly detransitioned or have to flea their homes, i dont want people to die in childbirth because abortion is criminalized. and im sitting here having to listen to ███████ watching fox news and hear lie after lie and talk about how people like me should not be allowed to exist. i cant fucking take any more of this.

[01.11.24] - At home watching Jacksfilms ⚠ Mentions of Unhealthy Eating, Implied/Referenced Transphobia

i have so much italian leftovers from my work that i haven't finished yet AND since i cant say no to free things i brought home a 16" mistake pizza as well that i have to refrigerate. my relationship with food isnt terrible necessarily, but im terrible at eating at regular times. if i wake up too late i end up not eating before work, and since i usually work late sometimes my first meal of the day is my dinner and i end up either going to bed with only one meal or eating in the middle of the night. ive been craving cigarettes recently, which probably isn't a good sign. and im 21 now, so getting my hands on them is a lot easier now since the age to smoke is 21 in WA. ive also been staying up really late, like way later than normal. i think the last week ive been staying up until 5-6 am and waking up right before i have to get ready for work. so my room and bathroom are both a complete mess. in other (more good) news, i finally went to the DOL and changed the gender on my license to X !! and since i did it after i was 21 i didn't have to pay for a new license. i was really anxious leading up to this; my mind kept trying to convince me the attendant would spit at me and call me a tranny and tell me to go fuck myself. but obviously that was all in my head and the attendant was very nice. i haven't got the new license in the mail yet, but as soon as i do i think im gonna get some marlboro reds. as a treat.

[25.10.24] - At home listening to The Great Die-Off by Rise Against covered by Chris Ray Maldonado

this dude came in and complained that no one was at the host stand and he'd been waiting "forever" (couldn't have been more than 3 minutes because i had just been up there to put and order in) and then when i said sorry and brought him to a seat he said "no, no we're going to sit where we like" and moved to a table on the other side of the restaraunt. i am the only fucking host in the mornings and i had been tryin to a million things at once. fuckin asshole. i was half-asleep around 7 pm because i only got like 5 hours of sleep the night before. but ive got a lot done today which was nice.

[19.10.24] - Watching Dan Hentschel on Youtube

the lord is testing my fucking patience tonight because i am about to lose it. everyone wants to show up and say they have reservations and get mad at me when i have to fucking scramble to get something put together as if im the only fucking person in the entire god damn restaurant to deal with reservations.

usually the younger kids are nice but these 8 fucking high school boys were complaining the entire fucking time about "the table is supposed to be ready when you get there" when 1. they didn't have a FUCKING reservation, and 2. i was juggling a million different things all at once and now i had to get a table for a bunch of entitled kids who cant just give a bit of grace to someone who was on the verge of a mental fucking breakdown. and its not like its their fault that whoever took their reservation didn't write them down, or they got the wrong location and i know they're right and that the table probably should've been ready and it probably would've if i actually had a reservation for them. but they didn't. and i was trying to the best of my ability to get them a good table. and then my fucking manager takes the table i had set up for those 8 kids and gave it to a DIFFERENT party of 10 (which ended up being 15) that i had talked to earlier in the day and planned to sit back-to-back in some booths because we had nothing open when they'd called earlier. so now i had to deal with some passive agressive teenagers, a birthday party for a loud ass group of little kids, and my manager trying to micromanage the entire fucking host stand the entire god damn night. and then has the audacity to tell US, to "think on our feet" and not just "stand around looking at each other when a table needs a seat" when i was ALREADY DOING THAT. the only reason i didn't seat that 5 top is because she came in out of nowhere and sat a different table where i was just about to seat the 5 and since there was no other tables in the next servers section, i had to to seat out of order. AND THEN SHE TAKES THE 5 AND SITS THEM AT THE SAME SERVERS SECTION. SO NOW I HAVE TO SKIP HER AND MAKE EVERYTHING MORE COMPLICATED. and the ENTIRE fucking night i have to hear 1. customers complain about shit that I can't fucking control and hear █████ complain about problems she fucking started.

the only saving grace of this night is that me, █████, and █████ (and █████ and her bf) all went to get ███████ java and crumbl after work. i felt bad because crumbl was sold out when we got there and since me █████ █████ and the bf drove in one car we got ███████ first, but since crumbl was out █████ didn't have anything. he said he was gonna get something to eat after he gave me a ride so it was fine.

[12.10.24] - Hiding in the bathroom at work

are you fucking serious?? i finally start getting the hang of bartending but because i take one night off (not "call out", i got someone to fuckin cover me) to go to a show i only get four fucking workdays next week and NONE of them are bar training??? i am the only person at this shitty overpriced restaurant who actually does their job quickly with almost no mistakes. im gonna fuckin forget EVERYTHING about the bar and i don't even get 20 hours next week. and i cant quit because i told █████ i would try and get him a job there. and I'm getting kicked out at the end of the year, i need that fuckin bar tip money to survive. fuck █████, capitalistic bootlicking bitch. i want to chew her out so fuckin badly but i cannot get a job to save my life. "no one wants to work!!!" no one is fucking hiring. 4 different job interviews within 4 weeks and none went anywhere. i was lucky that one of them told me they were going with someone else instead of just ghosting. I don't know what the fuck im supposed ti do.

[08.10.24] - In the car

I can't imagine being such a hate filled person, i swear even the slightest annoyance and you're a "dumbshit" or a "fucking idiot" to him. so confidently wrong it's almost satirical.

[06.10.24] - Listening to Romina Kardashian by Sundogs

got like 3 hours of slept yesterday but i got like 11 last night so i guess it all balances out. work was fun, but it usually is when █████ and █████ are there. i still have a shit ton of leftovers from work and now i have another. paychecks have been a lot better since i started bartending, and tips have been great too which is nice. been keeping on top of my budget too. there's so many shows i wanna see in seattle oughgghg


trying my hand at this whole "meal planning" thing again, and by that i mean choosing what days to eat at home and what days to steal food from work. funds are tight because im basically putting everything into savings right now. thankfully i start bartending tomorrow, which means way better tips and more hours. the bar has a high turnover for employees and █████ has been kinda pushing me to it. i dont mind, i was already planning to anyways. my account is overdrawn by like $9 because of my fucking planet fitness membership (which i only took because they said if i re signed up they would waive my previous debt to them and not send it to collections). gonna bring my kittybank* to coinstar so i can hopefully avoid the overdraft fee. im halfway torn between being extremely stressed and really excited to finally be gone. i guess ill see how ill feel in 4 months.

*piggybank that's a cat


growing up and realizing how much i hate a lot of my family is always a wild experience. like, ███ is cool but he's so entrenched in right wing conspiracy theory shit that any conversation inevitably devolves into politics. █████ is inconsiderate of anyone who isn't him. he literally ate me and █████s food on vacation without asking and makes really gross comments about womens bodies. █████ is a drunken womanizer who has such terrible taste in women that he decided to date the nightmare that is my mom (which has so many layers of weird).

the show was really fun. knocked loose was such an upper of a band (hardcore my beloved) and slipknot always plays a sick show. the guy next to me, who came with his wife, told me i had an amazing energy. but not in like a weird sleezy way. i always get really into the music. it doesn't matter what section im in i am always headbanging like im in the pit (but not in an inconsiderate way, i never drunkenly run into the people next to me or anything). which is definitely not always the norm when you're sitting in the seats. and throughout the night the guy started moving around a lot more. so i think that's what spawned his compliment. but i really liked hearing that. i think that's probably one of the best compliments ive gotten.

[04.09.24] - In bed

my grandmother on my step-dads side has always hated me, which ive known, but she just told me i have until the end of this year to move out. i don't think she's said anything nice to me in the 7 years ive lived with her... but yeah. i have to leave soon, which is both a blessing and a curse. it's gotten me more motivated to apply for jobs again (i have two interviews this week), but it's also one of the more stressful moments of my life. not only do i have to:

  1. get my car fixed (~$800)
  2. find a second job (almost impossible in this economy)
  3. apply and get accepted to the apartment ive been looking at
  4. save enough money for the deposit and rent (~$3000)
  5. pay enough debt off to where i don't get denied immediately (minimum $~600)
  6. buy the necessities i need for my apartment, AND
  7. figure out how to live on my own for the first time in my life

but i have to do it in 4 months. i've been downsizing my closet and trying to sell the clothes and other stuff im getting rid of (which you can find here in case you want to help a brother out). ive also seriously limited my spending and stolen as much food as i can from my job. i haven't been eating really well recently, and i think it stems from my money issues. i've never really eaten breakfast, so that hasn't really changed, but ive been eating like one meal a day. i might start shoplifting again, honestly. the cooks at my job are really cool and they always make me something when i ask tho. sometimes i feel like im using them because i talk to them so infrequently. i hope they don't think that.

i feel like my last few entries make it seem like i'm constantly mopey and depressed (which, to a certain extent i kinda am) but honestly life hasn't been that bad. i managed to get an appointment for my cat on Friday and my coworker paid me back $30 she owed me at just the right time because i can at least afford the uber/lyft ride to the vet AND ill be able to pay for it since friday is payday. work has been really enjoyable since me and my coworkers are all really cool with each other. i feel like in the restaurant industry you build a kind of comradery with your coworkers, and especially the ones that you're constantly around. like me with my fellow hosts.

i saw metallica a day ago which was really fun even though i was flat broke the entire day (i bought the tickets months ago). it was my first time seeing Ice Nine Kills which was so fuckin sick. i feel like the stars aligned perfectly, because my friend █████ got me a necklace set from hot topic that was Ice Nine Kills and i started listening to them right before that show so i knew at least half their songs. sometimes the universe is funny like that.


my cat hurt her paw a day ago which has been really stressful because im going to have to bring her to the vet but im flat broke and the vet doesn't do payment plans. i feel like an asshole complaining about this because i just took a 4-day vacation to vegas the day before which was a birthday present from my family. but i wasn't expecting my cat to get herself hurt as soon as i got back. and i don't know whether this is rooted in my childhood growing up poor but i have a huge problem with money. like it's so hard for me to save any money and im in so much credit card debt for someone who only makes $15,000 a year. im glad i didn't go to college because student loans probably would've killed me. i already had an appointment for a vaccine she needed but i have to wait until friday when i get paid. but it hurts so much because she's just been sleeping all day and resting (which is definitely better than her getting hurt again). she got out from under my bed and managed to come and cuddle me this morning, so i hope she at least feels a bit better. i have rent overdue too which is just more money i owe someone. my car is still broken. probably worse than i originally thought. before we left i parked my car on the street and it literally wouldn't move if i stepped on the gas. so my guess is that it'll be closer to $900 to fix. and i really love my car and i don't want to get rid of it but i might have to sell it just so i can get some cash. ive also never lived completely without my car before. i use the bus, but it was always on the pretense that i'll get my car back one day. the transit by my house is so bad that i have to walk 40+ minutes to get to the bus stop. and getting a job is so fucking difficult

[29.08.24] - In the hotel room on the floor

this is day 3 of my 4 (technically 5?) day vacation in Vegas. its hot as fuck here. █████ was so full of shit when she said id get used to it. oh well, im still having fun.

█████ got added to this trip last minute because my mom decides to cancel last minute. which, like, fuck is it draining. he takes shit he wants without asking us if he can have some but ███████ won't put his foot down so im just hiding my snacks by my bag. i really defended this guy from ███████, because he's a staunch conservative and aggressive towards homeless people, and █████ is homeless. and i feel like a dick for saying this but fuck is it kind of cathartic to hear him get told off, even if it's for the wrong reasons.

but anyways, back to the fun parts. i went to the hello kitty cafe which was super fuckin cool. i got there pretty late in the day so they were out of the hello kitty cookie so i settled on kuromi instead. for being a gimmick cafe their food and drink was actually really good which i appreciated. got a pin to commemorate the occasion. we went to white castle (and yes, it's because of Harold and kumar) and it was so worth the 20 minute walk. the sliders were great, but i don't know whether it's because they were actually great or whether i was just really hungry. after that me and ███████ went to a bar and i got drunk on some cocktails. one was a pineapple and rum thing, and the other was whisky and maple syrup. i didn't end up having to pay because this old guy paid my tab. he wasn't creepy at all, seemed like a cool dad/grandpa.

day 2 was what i was really excited for. i went to the Punk Rock Museum and took a million pictures. i also got a tattoo done there which was fuckin sick. my tattoo artist was so fuckin hot so i was more nervous than i usually am during my sessions (i will always fall to my knees for older punk men 😞). i overestimated how small the museum was so i had an entire hour to bum around before my appointment. ███████ kept letting me know how much i was being "ripped off" for it, but i tried to ignore it. if I hadn't done that i would've regretted it forever. this was the first tattoo i got to try the derm skin out on!!! i really prefer it tbh, i was able to use the pool and not worry about infections. it's also really fuckin well done, and for the work i think it actually was worth the price.

today we went to omegamart. it was mostly for █████ but i was excited too. i got my period literally the night before we left for this trip, and i don't know why but i couldn't put my menstrual disc in correctly to save my life today. i was mildly uncomfortable walking around but still had a lot of fun exploring the place with █████. i got a spray bottle with legs and a can of gender fluid :)))


im feeling a lot of things right now. im sick of anti-masculinity in queer spaces. im tired of cis women acting like we are the exact same and yet completely different. i am not a fucking woman. i am not woman-lite, i am not a girl or a lady or a part of some weird radfem sisterhood. im tired of thinking of my gender all the time. im tired of defining myself by what i am not. being a victim of misogyny doesn't make me a woman. society just likes to see me as one. as some butch lesbian. im tired of masculinity being seen as inherantly bad. im tired of my attraction to men being seen as bad. im tired of not being able to say all this without being called a TME. im just so fucking tired man.


there's a family that my family knows, as basically an extension of my family; the ██████ family. or, at least, the family im a part of now. my biodad has never really been in my life (i don't hold anything against him, i just never had a relationship with him) and my mom began dating my step-dad when i was 11, so for all intents and purposes he's just my dad. he's been involved in the martial arts scene since he was 13, and now he runs his own martial arts school. the grandfather of the ██████ family was my dads instructor, and a mentor for my dad. he died before i ever met him. he had a granddaughter, ████, who i used to be good friends with. she stayed at our martial arts school for years, before she moved across the state with her mom and sister. she recently reconnected with our family after around 7 years. last week i saw her for the first time in ages. shes a year younger than me. her and her younger sister watched my martial arts class and stayed after to talk. it was clear that me and her younger sister were the odd men out. ████ and my dad talked about their grandfather, my dads mentor, and the only thing i did was interject whenever there was a commonality i could latch onto. i felt an odd form of jealousy, hearing how much they respected and loved ████'s grandfather, my dads mentor, and how much they both share in that. i love my dad a lot, i respect what he's done for me and my two brothers, if it was between him and my fake-ally abusive mother, i would choose him every time. sometimes i wish i could've just been born the person he wanted me to be. there's a lot of insecurity rooted in this thought, i think. i'm a non-binary "libtard" anarchist who uses they/it pronouns. my dad is a right-wing conservative in every sense of the word. he doesn't use my pronouns, he calls me his daughter. when i saw him and ████ talk, it felt like he'd finally had the perfect daughter he'd always wanted.

me and ████ both have nearly cut all contact with our mothers. both of our mothers were abusive to us. both of our mothers are self-involved emotional brick walls. we share in that, but we're such fundamentally different people with completely different beliefs that i can only indulge in with basic ideas of "abuse bad." i dont like her self-help mantras, or definitive "you're X" or "thats X" or "youre feeling X" psychoanalysis of my situation when she really has no idea. i thought id be able to be truthful with her, but i dont want to tarnish her view of my dad with it, so i keep the focus on my mom and her alone.

i went out with ████ and her aunt and uncle to a noodle place in ███████, and in that moment i got a taste of what a truly accepting loving family is like. if i had wanted to, i probably could've asked them to use my pronouns and they probably would've done it easily (although that would've meant mentioning it to ████ and idk how she would've reacted). in the times where me and ████ are just talking about normal gen-z stuff and just joking around, we get along great honestly. but when she goes to tramadump on my dad about her situation, her granddad, her mother, it's like im not even there.


i am so fucking scared for the future like i am genuinely frightened. trump is trying to create a christo-fascist dictatorship and his audience is gonna be really fucking bolstered now that that stupid fucking photo is out. i have no idea what im gonna do. im so scared and i live in a progressive state, lord only knows how much that'll protect me. i dont think ill be able to handle a trump win and i cant fucking leave the country so what the fuck is anyone supposed to do.


oh my fucking god he literally believes any fear mongering he hears, hes like a fucking kid hearing about stranger danger. grown ass man too scared to step foot in a city. christ.


i love my friends so much. █████ just called me drunk at 1 am. shes so lovey when shes drunk. i dunno, i like calling them, since I dont get to see them often.


overheard a gu pastor at my work talking about christianity, but it wasnt anything crazy so I ignored it until he brought up "everyone and their safe spaces nowaday..." knew it would happen eventually


[22.11.23] ⚠ Transphobia

i remember when my mom asked me if i was queer. i remember finally thinking that I could be my authentic self. i even remember her response when I told her i was non-binary

"even though you're still a girl?"

i gave her the benefit of the doubt until the night that I had one of the worst fights of my life.

recently, as in a few months ago, i remember my dad finally starting to use gender neutral language for me. finally attempting to use they/them pronouns until my mom found out. shes a fucking vulture;

it fucking sucks.

i really fucking want that apartment and im not trying to hype myself up because i dont want to be disapointed if i dont get it... but i cant help myself

[??.11.23] ⚠ Sexual Content

That super awesome and totally not infuriating moment when you waste 3 hours either on a bus or waiting doing nothing just for the driver of the transfer bus that you have to catch ignore you on one of the two days you have off? Its so fucking annoying but at least ive had plenty of time to think. I dont know whether this is just general horniness/pent up urges or what but I swear to god I want to fuck the first cute guy i see. maybe when I go to ███ to visit i can get dolled up and give some dude my number (or my virginity, whichever comes first). I might start shaving again, at least for this weekend. I still dont knowif I feel better shaving or not. Or maybe I do know and I just dont want to admit it. Whatever the case may be all I know is I am definitely going to pack up some slutty fucking outfits, I dont care how cold it is. Save the weather appropriate shit for the bus ride home. Who knows, maybe ill see that cute metalhead from the pizza place.

[30.08.23] - Listening to Vietnow by Rage Against the Machine; At The ████ Café

Nice day out, cloudy enough to be nice and cool but warm enough to wear something light-weight. Found another swastika I covered up. Really dont know where they came from or whos doing it but whatever, they're losers.

Ive got another hour before I have to catch the bus again. I might stop by ███████S work on my way back.

[22.08.23] - On the ███ to Downtown ██████

Had to cover up a couple swastikas on the way to the bus stop today. The last one was hilarious, dude couldn't even draw it right. It looked like a bird. I didn't even bother with that one, dude already made himself the fool.


Got about t-minus an hour before my new job. Im a bit nervous, but I suppose thats normal. I think Im going to keep this job as separate from my life as possible. I dunno. Its only part time so I probably wont be there that long.

[13.08.23] ⚠ General Bigotry

god what a fucking miserable way to think of homeless people. call me a prick but i hope everyone who talks about the homeless like that should try and survive like that for a month. fucking insane how little empathy they have.


I havent brought out my bike for months now, I forgot how difficult it is especially with all the hills around here. I'm planning on ridind it tomorrow to my job interview at that italian pizza place. I DEFINITELY will need to find a better job later because $15 an hour is not enough to live on around here. Fingers crossed that one of my friends needs a roomie soon. Unless ██████ stops ignoring us and actually reads the GC, our original plan prolly wont happen.


Is there a word for when you have mommy + daddy issues? Is it just parent issues? Or is that reserved only for shitty non-binary parents?


Feeling like a loser right now. Not in the ironic cool-guy Nirvana way, but in the "my family thinks ill never amount to anything" way. I dunno. Im trying to move out ASAP but Im struggling to get a job. I just hope its not something I hate.


dude literally throws a hissy fit in the car and then tells me MY GENERATION is soft?!?! it's so fucking funny. a) why would i give a shit about what other people think of my generation? b) they are called STEREOTYPES for a reason, and c) this coming from a guy who whined about masks for YEARS?!?!?! i only have six more months before im out of here. so fucking ready for it. i seriously need to get the fuck out of here. he seriously can't have a discussion without getting all emotional and yelling.

[24.01.23] ⚠ Mentions of Suicide

god i don't know whether it's just the lead that's training me, debt, how fucking tired i am of making sandwiches, or that im new but fucking hell i hate working. i signed up to be a barista, not a fucking sandwich maker. i want to make drinks not paninis. i only get two breaks that they forget about half the time. i have to put my fucking phone in a box like I'm in high school again. and the lead i get stuck with fucking sucks. they're so passive aggressive and high key a bitch. i fucking hate capitalism. i don't want my body to break down every shift just to fucking have rent. i just want to be at ███ already. im so sick of this already. i am a fucking sandwich maker. im so glad this is temporary or id probably kill myself. i wish id never left Starbucks as much as i hate the corporation. i just hope at least one other place gets back to me about a job because im going to die.

[11.01.23] ⚠ Sexual Content

Havent slept in 36 hours and even though I feel like Im dying I still want to masturbate which says alot about me


my biggest fear is telling a partner i love them too early, because that word just... doesn't mean as much as it does for allo people.


i love when the consequences of my actions (now!) comes back to bite i continue doing them even though i am aware of how destructive it is and i can recognize it

i really fucking want that apartment and im not trying to hype myself up because i dont want to be disapointed if i dont get it...

but i cant help myself



Watching "perks of being a wallflower." I like these cheesy rom-coms. Maybe it's because I like to imagine myself as the reformed loser. Or maybe its because I like to indulge in things I know ill never have. Then again, I always for make things more co pretensious than they are.


Sometimes I wish I would've gone to college. Everytime I think about it, though, I wonder what part of it I really like. Am I wanting to party more? Do I not like paying rent? Do I just miss my friends? Ive been thinking of going to ███. I want the college experience. I want to party, and drink, and get fucked up. I dunno. I feel like my life is just, me going through the motions. I dont do anything, I feel like my life is consumed by work. I just think that I tried to be an adult too fast. I dont. I'll sleep on it.

Maybe I'm just tired of people pressuring me to do something. But is it pressure If I believe it too?


Im moving out soon. Im excited, and scared, and anxious and relieved all at the same time. Im glad im leaving, though. As much as ill miss seeing my brothers everyday, im confident this is the right choice. Im tired of everyone


besides █████, it feels like im the only person in this house who isn't allowed to be irritated. i understand he is stressed, but i used that same reason and i was called out for it. not only did i get shit from █████ for telling him not to swipe the guys hoodie, have to drive home at 1 am at a gas station that took like 30 minutes to get to a pump, and find out that i have to go get the cat because someone let her out, i get shit on for being late and told that i had an attitude. no shit i had an attitude, i was fucking upset. but apparently i can't be upset. and mom is no help at all because she wants to play all high and mighty "just be positive." and sit on her high horse for it. at least i got the cat.


i miss him so fucking much. if i could go back in time and reverse my decision to block him the first time i would. i want nothing more than for him to hold me in his arms. god, i at least want to unblock him.


does everything i do fucking irritate him? we weren't being loud, he just doesn't like when we don't act exactly how he acts. but no, now neither of us can have fun because he's eMbArRASed. fuck off.

[25.07.22] ⚠ Transphobia

nothing i ever do will ever be good enough for my family. they talk shit about me behind my back. they hate that im not the perfect shining example of a conservative daughter. they don't think i'm non-binary, they think im stupid and that ill never amount to anything. they've told me for years that id never hold a job, that id be a sad loser. my own dad calls me a fucking loser. he thinks my generation are losers. he doesnt like that ive started talking back to him. he just wants me to absorb his dumb political talking points. they tell me to shut the fuck up


I've been thinking of meeting up with him again. If he even wants to see me. im so tired of sabotaging things because of my anxiety. i really enjoyed talking to him. he was so sweet. if he ever forgives me, id love to have a FWB of QPR with him. i think that my self-esteem is so low; thats why im always questioning things— if i even think of us dating, i think of all the things i should change about myself. god, im so selfish for wishing for him to want anything to do with me after that.


god, i miss texting him so much. just imagining what could've happened if things had gone differently.


anti-LGBT+ sentiment has seriously fucking skyrocketed over the last 3 months — a year

[09.05.22] ⚠ Sexual Content

god i want to fuck █████ ██████.

[17.04.22] ⚠ Transphobia, Homophobia

i feel so fucking trapped right now. i live in a house with one semi-homophobic conservative, and one very homophobic conservative. coupled with constant news about LGBT+ rights being rolled back, people literally calling us groomers, being told to my fucking face by my mom that ill "always be a girl no matter what." her asking "what are your chromosomes?" that fucked me up for awhile. before i came out (and am now stuck in a purgatory where im kind of in the closet but not really) she was just kinda always taking the moderate right take of "don't shove it in my face," but that night she said some of the most homophobic and transphobic shit ive ever heard in my entire life. the typical "you're either a man or a woman" christian conservative bullshit.

a few days ago my dad got progressively irritated about me talking about lgbt+ rights being rolled back in states and he basically said " i don't care, i have more important things to worry about." i explained how many lgbt+ kids were going to commit suicide and you know what he said? "well what about veterans?" because he can't just fucking listen to how much it breaks me when shit like this happens. when friends of mine who live in the south are going to have to deal with this. i don't live in Florida, i don't live in Texas, what the fuck am i supposed to do?

i can't afford to be a nihilist. it's tempting to just say "i cant do anything, so ill just continue living up here without even trying to help" but i can't. because i know how fucking privileged i am to live in a very pro-LGBT state. and i know not everyone can say that. which is why, despite the constant bullshit i get from family from taking about it, i still do. because fuck homophobes, i couldn't care less if they died in a fucking fire. the ones too far gone, that is.


im just so tired of anti-lgbt shit, all i want is for us to have basic rights.

[11.03.22] ⚠ Light Sexual Content

i would let ████████ spit down my throat


god are you fucking kidding me? i work my fucking ass off and he throws a fit because i forgot the self defense? suck my fucking dick, jesus christ. sorry not everyone is as perfect as you. fucking prick.

[01.01.22] ⚠ Sexual Content

█████ ██████ is so fucking hot nnnnnng voice kink moment.

i want ████ ██ ██ █████ to ruin my insides hfjhdgjdkfg.


[15.12.21] ⚠ Transphobia, Homophobia, General Bigotry

I think I'm a people pleaser. I have pretty low self-esteem & I always apologize to people for things. I seem to make excuses for people. I get a sense of dread from opening text messages because I'm afraid they'll be mad at me. I don't know why it doesn't translate to the house, or at least my parents. When they start yelling usually my instinct is to say something or not speak. Maybe it's cause they always talk misinformation. They have such little empathy or sympathy for people. They talk about how they dislike homeless people, how people in jail for drug offenses should just "not do the crime", the police ignoring left-leaning people because they believe acab (last I checked, people shouldn't be denied 911 because they disagree), LGBT+ youth shouldn't be taught their history. How can people be like that? It's so fucking dumb and ignorant. Im not even out yet. They've already made their stance on non-binary & gender non-conforming people clear. Especially mom. It fucking irritates me how she'd called them "confused people." And then acted like I was the idiot who didn't know what I was talking about. I'm excited for next years pride, though. Maybe ill go with my friends.


ive been thinking about how weird it is that we're born to basically work until we die. college is actually a break from my job for once, and i used to loathe school.

[19.10.21 ]

jesus he's such a fucking prick. "waaah i know what i heard" go fuck yourself dickhead. at least i have a reason not to go to class. fucking asshole.


christ, why'd i have to wake up from that dream. it was the one thing i wanted in life with my dream crush and i fucking woke up when we were cuddling. i just feel so lonely. i dont know what to do. it was just so perfect and then i realized i was living in a fantasy.


this was such a fucking miatake god i should've never done that now i have to either block him out of nowhere or send him a reason why i cant talk to him. why am i like this why cant i just tell the truth. it hurts so much. god i sound so annoying.


god, i want to read what he said but my anxiety just keeps stopping me. maybe i should just rip off the bandaid. fuck, and that was me rambling at 3 am. shit

[12.09.21] ⚠ Sexual Content

god i want ███ ███████ ███████ to rail me.


fuck, i think that was him. if only i hadnt lied to his fucking face like that. i cant fucking do anything and any text i get from him gives me so much anxiety. i just want to shut down my social media. should i tell him?

[15.08.21] ⚠ Sexual Content

jesus christ i can't stop watching those two video clips of ████, just listening to the small moans he lets out. god, i just want him to fucking pound me. he'd be so fucking sweet and awkward.


im the worst person alive. i literally made a child cry because i couldnt follow one rule. im so stupid, i feel like crying but i cant. i fucking deleted an entire mc world. i was just so defeated watching him blow up my house. it was so awful.


i can't stop thinking about what i did after i dreamt about it last night. fuck, i can't even listen to comfort audio without thinking about it. if i don't get therapy or something I'll probably be haunted for the rest of my life. its just so... gross... things ive said and done.


god today fucking sucks. not only do i have to hear constantly "you suck, you're stupid, oh my god your trash" from nearly everyone, i was lectured like i was a fucking idiot about driving. its like they think im stupid. fucking christ.


god fucking damnit i had to sit there for an hour listening to him threaten to shoot my favorite musician.

[14.06.21] ⚠ Internalized Arophobia

god fucking damnit why cant i be normal. why did i have to be born not feeling romantic attraction. some fucking "cupioromantic" word no one would understand if i'd told them. instead, i lust after people who are either; dead, fictional, or unobtainable.


i feel good about this conversation. even though he was wrong about a lot, it was pretty productive. i kept my cool and i explained myself well. overall good. he obviously thinks they're losers, which is ok, but why does he care so much about other peoples lives? who cares about whether a twitch streamer has a partner.


holy fucking shit i was almost caught, i wouldve been so fucking dead if they had caught me. hell, they might still be trying to catch me. if they persue this any further then i am so fucked. id rather they catch me after ive moved out. im never shoplifting again.

I did something really dumb today. I went to Albertsons to go steal some food for lunch, but a lady caught me when I was going to put it in my bag, but she saw me hold the sandwich. Instead of just holding onto it like a regular person I STILL TOOK IT. if I had acted...

...like I dropped my money & couldn't pay, then the two ladies couldn't have said anything. I dont know whether they believed me when I said that I put it back, but im so anxious about it. I've never got caught doing it & it was so nerve wracking considering I also took a thing of KitKats... I don't know whats wrong with me. Why couldn't I have a concious about this ??? I know of all the bad things that can happen to me or others but it doesn't register in my brain or something. I'm stopping today. This was just a relapse...

I might make a poem about this.


god, can nothing i do stay in private? he wasn't even supposed to hear what i said, i only said it because he literally said the same thing within 30 seconds. but no, only i get in trouble for saying things. he'll threaten to break my stuff but god forbid i get a bit frustrated and say a bad word.

[05.05.21] ⚠ Mentions of Suicide

i would've fucking killed myself if it wasn't for my brothers and my cat. they treat me like im a kid, like im stupid, like i don't deserve respect. even though they say that i can tell them anything, they don't mean it. when she said i needed more confidence i wanted to fucking scream. i AM confident.

[29.04.21] ⚠ Racism

its like nothing i do is good enough for him. ive been really trying to well in school, and then he calls all american kids "dumber than asians" just because we like to express our freedom. since when did kids not have first amendment rights?!?? its so dumb, he bad mouths my teachers with facts that aren't true. i wonder how long he'd last teaching. we aren't spoiled just because we actually fucking care about mental health.

[19.04.21] ⚠ Implied Sexual Content

im so fucking scared i thought i was ready but im not ready at all im such an asshole for leading him on. im so scared that he'll hate me im so not ready. i feel like such a piece of shit that i have to make up a lie to not show up. i even contemplated just ghosting him and blocking everyone that he knows but theres too many friends that i have from █████████ that i dont want to lose. im hoping i can just never talk about this again. it was one thing when we were just roleplaying, another thing to actually do it. im so stupid thinking i was ready. i wish i had someone to talk to about this.

[11.03.21] ⚠ Mentions of Suicide

i cant stop fucking crying, i fucking hate living here. music is probably the only thing stopping me from killing myself, fucking hell. i cant believe he was going to break my headphones. i cherish them becuase they're from him, and he's ready to threaten me with them because i argued back. god, i swear im going to fucking kill myself. they're going to drive me to far one of these days. im still fucking crying. i love music so so much, its one of the highlights of my life. i hate being called spoiled. it makes me feel unugrateful. i feel like a toddler crying about it. i really hope im overreacting nd this isnt abuse, because i really do love my parents.


jesus fucking christ i cant stand this. i hate being here. i thought he would understand because he wasn't religious but he's just going with it. i hate how i can't ever say what i want to say because I'm afraid. i wish i wasn't afraid. i wish i didn't have to go to a church i don't believe in. i wish they could understand my side. if i told them what i really felt about politics, and religion, and what i really think im afraid they'd treat me like i was stupid. i wish i could WEAR WHAT I WANT. every time i come here i feel like an asshole. i don't hate the people here, i hate the religion. i respect their choice. sometimes i think he is afraid of going against my mom. i want to move out, but id miss them. i just want to leave and run home. i want to go for a walk but they'd probably make me stay. some really small stuff makes me just angry. it sounds trivial, but its just apart of the bigger problem. anything i say is automatically invalid because its "off the internet". they'll be reading one stupid conservative news article and think they know everything.


Date Created: 29 October 2024
Date Officiated: 12 November 2024
Last Updated: DD Month YYYY
Fans Listed: 00




most of these are specific to my local community (i.e. the Pacific Northwest) but a lot of the organizations have chapters in a lot of parts of the world, so if you're not local... don't sweat !!! these could still be helpful

Caesthoffe (Nano-celebrity)

selfie of a young white person with medium-length dark brown hair, black glasses, and a Black megadeth t-shirt closing their eyes and biting their bottom lip goofily in a dark bedroom

A selfie of the bastard.
Name(s) Aurora, Rory, Caesthoffe
Date of Birth 11 August 2003 (age 20)
Winnemucca, NV, U.S.
Origin Renton, WA, U.S.
Pronouns They/them, it/its, neos
Gender Non-binary
Sexual/romantic orientation Viramoric, aromantic
Years active 2022–present
Title(s) Musician • writer • artist

Caesthoffe (sometimes stylized in all lowercase), also known as Aurora or Rory is an American artist and online personality. They[a] are not known for doing anything important outside of the small community they occupy.

Early and personal life

Caesthoffe was born in 2003 to a narcissistic mother and a father who was no longer in their life. They attended Hazen High School in Renton, and later Bellevue College before dropping out after their second semester. They've since taken many different retail jobs in the hopes of finally moving out.

Music career

Caesthoffe uploads acoustic covers of popular rock and metal songs onto Youtube[1] and less rehearsed/produced tracks onto Soundcloud.[2] On Youtube, they have amassed 1.6k views and currently sit at 50 subscribers as of 13 February 2024. Bands that have influenced Caesthoffe include Green Day, Rage Against the Machine, Rise Against, Nine Inch Nails, The Clash, The Smashing Pumpkins, and many of the grunge bands from the Seattle music scene. They've also been influenced by many of the local bands they've seen at smaller venues, such as sundogs (now Diazepam) from Las Vegas.


Caesthoffe has voiced support for left-wing political views and movements, and considers themselves an anarcho-communist. Raised by right-wing parents, they didn't question their political ideology until discovering online political communities on Youtube and Twitter. Left-wing content creators that were "more palatable" to a young conservative brought them out of the alt-right pipeline, and gave them the room to discover their queer identities as well. They support many different beliefs and movements including the freedom of information, the right to privacy, pro-piracy, queer anarchism, relationship anarchy, anti-amatonormativity, and more.


Whereabouts Unknown (or The Metal March, according to Tim) is the closing track of Appeal to Reason. it's one of the softer songs on the album, and closes the entire thing out on a shakespearien story of heartbreak. about two long forgotten friends, on opposite sides of the battle field.

there's a lot of poetic tragedy in this tale, and i think it especially shines through in the second half of the track. whereas the first part is mostly some exposition about the characters, the second half gives some absolutely fucking gut punches:

Another place, another time
We toed the same side of the line
Yeah, we saw eye to eye
Even then the saddest sounds
Were nothing laughter could not drown
But we are not laughing now

I see your face
In my sights
I hesitate
And then look for a sign
Somewhere in the sky

the juxtaposition between the two is stark; firstly, he talks about his brotherly comradery. toeing the same line, seeing eye to eye, drowning their sorrows in laughter. the last line of the verse, though, brings us back to reality. the protagonist looks down the sight of (assumedly) a sniper rifle, at a friend he once loved and hesitates as he aims. i can't express how great this dichotomy is.

i also want to just higlight the chorus, because it's easily the most impactful part of the song. specifically the chorus after the bridge, the one that closes the track (and album) out. if the verses/pre-choruses are the sort of level headed commentaries on the state of their relationship, the chorus is a plea for the future of it.

Your whereabouts unknown
Please know you can come home
It's alright
I long for the moment
Our silence is broken
It's all right
It's all right
It's all right

It's alright now
It's alright now
'Cause all is forgiven
If you could just listen
It's all right
It's all right

even though this song is inherently political, i do like how almost everyone can relate to this in an a-political way. not everyone knows a Christo-facsist soldier, but everyone has a friend that they've lost touch with. everyone has a friend they miss. the repetition of that last line, "it's alright," is filled with desperation but also love. and his final speech, about forgiveness, ends the story unresolved... which leaves the album with a strange unfinished feeling. like there should be more to listen to, more stories of love and war and the weird ways they intersect. overall, it's just a fantastic song and an incredible end to a phenomenal album.


"One fallacy, I think, of anti piracy arguments is that a lot of them seem to assume that if I'm unable to pirate something I'm going to pay for it instead rather than going "oh! that's a terrible shame" and then quickly forgetting about it"

—werewolfetone on



bouts" doesn't exactly have the same ring to it (and not a lot of things rhyme with whereabouts anyways). Even though this song is inherently political, I do like how almost everyone can relate to this in an a-political way. Not everyone knows a Christo-facsist soldier, but everyone has a friend that they've lost touch with. Everyone has a friend they miss. The repetition of that last line, "it's alright," feels like a plea to this person.

The next verse doesn't have much to talk about on it's own, as it's mostly just more ways of saying what we already know by this point and serves as sort of a "flashback" than anything. Coupled with the pre-chorus, though, is where it gets interesting.

Another place, another time
We toed the same side of the line
Yeah, we saw eye to eye
Even then the saddest sounds
Were nothing laughter could not drown
But we are not laughing now

I see your face
In my sights
I hesitate
And then look for a sign
Somewhere in the sky

The juxtaposition between the two is stark; firstly, he talks about his brotherly comradery. Toeing the same line, seeing eye to eye, drowning their sorrows in laughter. The last line of the verse, though, brings us back to reality.

The protagonist looks down the sight of (assumedly) a sniper rifle, at a friend he once loved; hesitating

Chamber the Cartridge

Chamber the Cartridge immediately sets the artistic tone that persists throughout The Sufferer and the Witness. The song begins with some radio chatter, as Brandon Barnes plays this militant drum fill that gets faster as the introduction goes on. After a moment, you can hear a robotic voice announce "this is Noyes." The intro uses a sample from the Noyes station Chicago train line; not only a nod to their roots as a Chicago-based band, but a tongue-in-cheek self awareness that they are quite literally making noise

The first verses are spoken incredibly quickly. Which is, honestly, a little unfortunate given the amazing imagery that Tim McIlrath uses.

Down beyond these city streets through gutters filled with black debris
In alleys void of any light where nameless things live out of sight
Down through the scrapers of the sky past neon words glowing all night
Echoes my name between each car, "Are you happy where you are?"

He manages to make these lyrics come alive, like a camera is panning around this Gotham-esque city. He could've called them "neon signs," but instead he says "neon words glowing all night." He could've said "sky scraper," but instead he says "scraper of the sky." Which may sound like an immature and childish change, but I think it enhances this section a lot. At a first hearing, you don't really understand all of what he's saying. Unless you physically read the lyrics, he's just speaking too fast and aggresssive to understand it. That small change adds an air of mysticism to itself.


Injection blends together the themes of politics and personal strife into a wonderful concoction of desperation. The equivalent of watching someone trapped in a tank of water try and claw their way out.

The chorus is so fast-paced, and by the end Tim McIlrath is pleading to the listener:

Give me the drug, keep me alive
Give me what's left of my life
Don't let me go
Pull this plug, let me breath
On my own I'm finally free
Don't let me go

Ready to Fall

Ready to Fall, the first single and third overall track of the album, is so fucking catchy it's crazy. A soft riff begins and, after the first two measures, breaks out into the main part of the song. The first verse plays out as a conversation between two people, going something like this:

"Hold on slow down again from the top now, and tell me everything."

"I know I've been gone for what seems like forever, but I'm here now waiting. To convince you that I'm not a ghost or a stranger, but closer than you think."

She said, "just go on to what you pretend is your life, but please don't die on me!"

The pre-chorus and chorus tackles the narrators willingness to die, with lines like:

Wings won't take me
Heights don't faze me
So take a step
But don't look down
Take a step

Hinting that he's afraid to follow through, and other lines like:

I found a shoulder to lean on
An infallible reason to live all by itself
I took one last look from the heights that I once loved
And then I ran like hell

Indicating that he is scared to follow through.


the big ones





microlabels & xenogenders










cool custom pride flags :0

non-LGBT pride flags !!!