i had a dream that i was sort of lucid dreaming in?? i kept rearranging my phone to i could try and control how my dream would be but it didn't work. i just kept feeling like i was falling and then waking up and trying to imagine a scenario but it not working so eventually I think i actually fall asleep.
next, though, i had a dream that i had fallen asleep and woke up suddenly and i was on a phone call with critikal and he was saying things to me that i must've missed when i was asleep, like about how his "emo rank" was and asking if i was ready for emt5 and i try and say something but he keeps acting like he can't hear my babbling and i realize that im holding an old landline phone so i hold it up to my ear and i say some thing unintelligible and he says like "oh did you fall asleep?" or something and I say "yeah" and then i realized i don't own a landline and then he keeps repeating "magna," over and over which finally wakes me up and i realize that i still had this video playing and now i think i have a pseudo-crush on this man
after i fell back asleep i had a dream that i was at a "sports arena" aka a house on the field so i walk in and "Barron Trump" (he looks nothing like him and is definitely older than the real Baron so i think its just a member i made up and my brain just called him Barron so im gonna call him Peter) is there and im just kind of waiting for him to do anything but i get to talking to him and there's a part of him deep down i can see that he's nothing like his dad. i talk to him a lot about his feelings. while im there a bit later i see him there again and there's an older woman (probably an aunt) and im talking to him more but when its time to leave i go up to this wall with some drying generic patriotic paint on it and i take it off the wall. and i look at him and say "im not doing this because of you, or a cause or your dad or anything. im doing this for myself. so please, just be mad at me." and im starting to cry and so he wraps his arms around me and reassures me and i end up cuddling with my worst enemy essentially. and i end up talking more and there's a part where i say something leftist and he basically nods to show that he agrees. and i think we fall asleep together
in a different scene im not there im in (presumably) Olympia with the olympia people and █████. im talking to █████ and she has this meme about him and i think i ask if she knows anytime about him and she says like "he's not a good person" or something. and im about to tell her like "oh i actually met him and he's actually not what you think" but then ██████ interrupts us so i whisper that ill tell her later. so im in the living room and there's dawn in an elaborate japanese tech armor cosplay. and i go into this loft area below and Peter is there. and when me and █████ are far enough away from him i tell her like "i met Peter last night at the stadium and he's not a bad person" and she's exacerbated and doesn't believe me and she says something like "do you know his family, how could you do this?" and i was originally going to tell her like "i think he's a leftist" but she gets me mad with that comment so i say something like "i did what i wanted to do for ages, talk to a guy i liked" and it seemed like she was about to say "not that guy" but i think he interrupted us. a little longer into this party we're talking and █████ used some weird hi tech thing to make her appear old to Peter and he falls for it and isn't like. rude to her, but he's kinda acting like a dumb himbo and kind of embarrassing me. so eventually everyone's deciding to leave and █████s boyfriend who is this really tall attractive black guy with short dreads shows up asking where she is and since █████ is disguised we have to say we don't know and he looks sad and walks away to help other people. and when █████ finally leaves she gives me a dirty look like "i hope you can live with yourself." and then it's just us two again. and i think i fall asleep with him on the ground again.
and then the next day i wake up at like 4:38 pm and im line "shit i missed work" and i haven't been home in two days but im basically like whatever and decide to stay another night and im thinking like "tonight is the night i sleep with him" but something happens and we end up arguing about someone and there's these cartoon creatures that kind of are supposed to represent each other so one is like a lava monster with a rectangle head and the other i can't remember. and i basically leave angry and end up thinking "what am i doing, i basically through out my friends to sleep with this guy im supposed to hate"
there was a scene that i can't remember how it related but my mom was in it somehow and Peter was there and she was asking about something about being home that had to do with me and of course im standoffish and she tries giving me a hug but i resist it and she does it anyways and says something snarky and then Peter comes to hug and comfort me.
i had a dream i was at the restaurant with █████ and ████████ (and i think also ███████?) and me and █████ were in the back not even bothering to look at the orders. and then we went back and realized that everything was done and it was cold
in a different scene i was on either a train or bus going to this big kinda futuristic looking field to pick up this guy who kinda looked like ██████ from my work. and i was next to this guy and i would kind of settle into him and he'd hold me back. and this happened with multiple guys so i guess im a slut.
in a scene before that i was sharing the room with this nerdy guy and we went outside to the balcony but i don't remember what happened.
i had a dream i was looking for this missing girl s things in what looked like a bunch of empty abandoned places like a warehouse with some trains in them. it showed flashbacks of what took place there and there was a chubby girl with bangs and a pony tail and she was wearing black
in a scene before this i was with ███████ and █████ and █████ in a hotel and we were looking outside at an amusement park and ███████ and i was telling █████ about what the rides did and one of them was apparently attached to the space needle
had a dream that i was with █████ and he was dating this woman but maybe not really because she was apparently like an actress or something? but something happened between us and i did something and we got into a fight and he got upset with me that she left him and i basically slept in the corner of his apartment trying to make up to him.
in a different part im at work and █████ is there and so are ███████ and ████████ and he's trying to get over a girl he knew but then at the end he tries getting back together with her.
had a dream after i woke up and fell back asleep again that i could take the ███E (a real route) to work in only like 40 minutes and then I woke up an hour later
I had a dream that i had an extra tattoo on my palm that i inexplicably forgot about, it was circular and had spider man on it and kinda looked water color. in my dream i literally said "i keep telling people i only have four tattoos but i always forget [the one that doesn't exist]" i also remember saying "why was i so scared to get one on my palm if i already have this one"
had a dream that i began working for Starbucks again but for some reason i was practicing making coffee in the house with a Starbucks espresso machine and i couldn't get the milk wand to work and i told the guy it was because i had used a different machine.
in a different scene i was on tumblr and there was a post that said
had a dream that i was at Target and █████ was there and ████ was there too and we were meeting after ages and i hugged him and we both hung out for a minute.
had a dream i was driving with ███████ and ████ somewhere in the mountains and i was playing a Nirvana song on guitar
i had a dream that i worked in an office and my boss was super hot and he kept subtly flirting by getting too close but he was also really controlling. like i couldn't do anything he didn't want me to do, i had to do my makeup the way he wanted, etc. and if i tried to stand up to him he'd basically tell me off.
█████ was at my house and we were getting ready for school in the morning and we were in the kitchen getting lunches and drinks ready and we were running late but i had to grab a coke so i was looking but i said id buy one at the school and then i forgot my socks so i went to grab them and also this big stick with a giant hot metal cylinder at the end??
had a dream that me and █████ were going to a festival thing in the UK but Mom was trying to stop us with any means she could. i had been talking forever because id been getting ready cause i thought it was here but then █████ told me we were late so we were about to rush out the door when Mom stopped us and physically wouldn't let us get our. █████ fledvto the bathroom and when Mom left we booked it and made it to the small plane before we left. it turned into an ironic movie trailer and it was saying that ai was gonna replace all the sights and stuff and eventually we were above new York and we landed and as soon as we got out some cops beat us up and it became a movie about this kid with blonde hair who was a fire fighter
i was trying to get away from a lightening storm. in a different scene i was on the couch with this nerdy brunette guy and we were watching dnd and i was laying my head on his shoulder
[25.11.24] ⚠ LIGHT VIOLENCE
i was in this group of people and at first i was shooting a movie where i was one of the background extras but none of the crew knew what they were doing so i had to check myself and make sure i was doing it correctly until the second scene where they finally gave us some direction. i was meeting some people in the friend group, which included a guy named Forrest i think? it's Thanksgiving and we all are gonna do something so i start running down the road and i go to the park and see one of the people who is this asian guy who's very weird and eccentric and he tells me the cops killed forest because he was weird and they thought he was a threat. and then i talk for a minute and he leaves and a cop shows up and asks me a bunch of questions in his van and i answer them with lies and then he accidentally shoots next to me and i get scared and try and take the gun and i don't remember what happens but i think i get away. i return to the park in hopes of taking the bus to our meeting place to find out what to do but when i get to the outskirts of the park by the sidewalk, there's cops stationed there. i run and hide inside a car but they catch me and throw me into an interrogation van.
i had a dream i was with this guy who looked like ███████ ███████ and we were doing some "game" and by the end of it i basically was making out with him on his couch. rob was there but he didn't see any of it, just got upset that he lost so ███████ told him what he did wrong. in a different scene me and ███████ were going to play the game again and by that what he really meant was have kinky sex. i stayed over at his home with him and went into his room. when i got in here told me to lock the door because we wouldn't want anyone coming in. he started explaining how he was basically going to do anything he wanted to me, and i could use my safeword if i needed, and he was going to fuck me because that's what was supposed to happen at the end of the game; that if you played it again you were supposed to go further and fuck at the end (even though i didn't think it actually was). i was wearing skimpy black lingerie and a greyish blue hoodie. he explained that i had to act younger than he thought i was (he thought i was 26 but wanted me to act 21) and told me i had to to "say things that young people say like the c word" which i could only guess was cock. and i told him he must've got his information wrong because i am 21 and he got visibly frustrated and in the next scene █████ found me outside the house tied up with ducttape on the floor. i got out of it and tried to act non chalant about it. i don't think it was ███████ that actually brought me there but some white woman who seemed to hate me.
i was in a post apocalypse with this guy. the jist is that it's kinda a video game but also not really because its in the world? im with the guy and he's kinda explaining works. im fighting a big monster in a fantasy setting. we can choose some other people to help, the only ones i remember being a woman named Rachel, mid sized with dyed red hair. and if you do this certain toggle you make them bigger or smaller but it never really worked. me and my boyfriend end up helping each other in the fight but i don't know if we deafeat the monster but we leave regardless. after the fight i go into house and into this big ballroom kind of area, but there's no floor it's just ground. everything before that feels like an open world video game. there's random encounters and the sets are so vast and open. and i try to fight all the cryptids and monsters there but i can't. so i lock them in the room and get upset cause my boyfriend is nowhere to be found and at one point i think he's dead. and im kinda sulking really fucking lonely wondering what to do when he shows up and crashed through the window in a car and helps me defeat the other monsters who were there and lock them away too and im so happy to see him and we reunited and i hug him. we were in this beautiful house that was really detailed with books and stained glass and dust and dirty gold trim. my "mom and dad" came in and saw me lose my footing and almost knock into something and said like "you're trying to go through there" or something and my throws a big fit and says she's not going to stay somewhere so faggy and i leave and go to a loft area with this guy. he's upset, so i walk up to him sitting in a chair and console him about everything. im walking with somewhere and i ask him how he feels about me being the taller one, and i don't remember what he said but i picked him up at one point. in a completely unrelated scene, i was in an area with a family who all saw a giant spider (like the size of fridge) and the dad and son and daughter were kind of messing with it until started coming towards them. they decided to stay on the ground in chairs (not sure what that was supposed to do) and i went up to hide in a really tall bunk bed hidden beneath some things.
it was me, a black lady who kinda looked like ██████, and who i think remembering now was supposed to be ████. and we're mostly just talking about how we were the "original three" because we knew each other in elementary school. i was at "█████" but it looked completely different and not like █████. i was carrying a giant boulder and wanted to keep it somewhere. i went to what i guess was some sort of asb office?? it has a bunch of things you could buy and since Halloween was coming up i was looking for a costume and decided to ditch the boulder. i try looking for things for a devil outfit but i just decide to make it instead. i was in "my room" even though it didn't look like my room, with █████ and a different woman. █████ was cleaning my shower while it was on (or he could've just been showering who knows) and he was shirtless and wearing just boxers. and he got out so i could shower and i caught a few glimpses of him and i think he saw one. i end up semi-flirting with him while i start undressing (like mid bra-removal) and then he finally leaves and i take a shower. i have like 4 body washes that aren't any of the ones i use irl and i end up getting out. the scene skips and me and █████ aren't there anymore and there's a blonde knight who is disguising herself as a man, and a guy with curly hair (not ███████████)
me and ████ were at his house and we were acting like we used to and ███████ (who was his grandma in the dream) asked if it bothered me that he messed with me and i said no. we hugged and i had to wait for 120,000 something's to go back home on a long car ride and do class with some woman. there was a little girl there too but i didn't remember what was up with her
████ █████ had made a YouTube video about not feeling like a good looking guy, and he'd showed up and started gluing my battle vest and domo bag to a fence. and i remember being shocked and honored because i respect him so much and i asked him about it and he said he was gonna take a picture in front of it. we had bantered for a minute so I went outside and tripped into a ███████ type character but younger and more conventionally attractive (because everyone in this story were old internet people) but he'd fallen on top of me and at first i tried not to make any advances because i thought he had a girlfriend but when i asked if he did he said no. and then the sexual tension was palpable and i said something along the lines of "really?" but he said "yeah but im saving myself for Maria" and i said "aww that's sweet" and i was so tempted to ask "well i can just suck you off instead" but he kinda best me to it because he asked "why don't you play with yourself for me" but we both got interrupted by this archer who looked like Erika Ishii and moist critikal so we got up and me and him asked if we could get a fish and charlie said yes so me him and erika got three goldfish for a bowl. at a certain point Erika had turned evil and said something like "i killed all three goldfish with one arrow" because she was an archer but then the guy had to come onto the Internet to tell people to stop being misogynists towards erika because it was all acting
i was at some kind of community center with ███████ and █████ because we were trying to catch the ███ bus and we made a stop in "█████████" (not really) and they had a little help corner with resources for trans people, community events, etc. they also had cigarettes and lighters and i took a pack and a lighter. when i was in that room an old hick guy was being chewed out by one of the ladies for something.
i was laying in a bed with █████ ██ and he was cuddling into my side laying his head on my chest.
i was with █████, ██████, and some other white woman and we were trying to get into this club that we knew how to sneak into. it was last minute so we hadn't really dressed up. we had to go to the front to get our ids scanned but 1. im not 21 and 2. id left mine in my work pants. i watch ██████ try and get in but she isn't able to get past. i got up and realize i don't have my id so i run home quickly and grab it and come back. i looked in a mirror and realized that someone had done my makeup while i was asleep. it was a gradient eyeshadow that covered from my eyebrows to my nose. i had in space buns and a veil covering me.i made it back to the high end club. ██████ and █████ weren't there so I went on my own. on the inside it was almost set up like a fancy restaurant more than a club. the foyer area wasn't being watched by anyone. everything in the club was dark mahogany and deep red. there was only a couch far away enough from the wall that it gave people a way to get into the next room behind some tables without the bartender on the opposite side seeing you get into the actual club. i climb through the small red door, sneak behind the tables, and walk through the door to the actual club. i hear the bartender call "excuse me" but i just keep walking and sit down somewhere. there's a row of large lounging (almost recliner) chairs and i sit at the second to last one in the row. a waitress comes over and asks me what i want to drink. i asked for some snack and a bloody Mary. she brings another snack while i wait. eventually some white nerdy guy comes up to me telling me i have to find this woman for ██████ and █████ for some reason. i get into a scuffle with her and the bartender starts coming over so i leave to the other room of the club that's all tables. i sit at one of them and ask the guy if he can buy me something so u can stay. i quickly move to the next one and ask the same thing. i tell him "could you buy me a drink? im trying not to be caught" and his friends say "nah that's a scam" but i say "no, by the bartender" and they all understand. none of them bite so i go to a table with a late 20-something old guy and ask. i flirt with him a bit, and the bartender comes up to me and says something. i tell him that i ran away because i didn't hear him (in the beginning) and that i really wanted to stay in his club to sleep around. ███████ shows up eventually and asks what im doing and i tell him basically the same thing and he gets real serious like he's gonna talk me out of it and he says we need to talk about that in his car but i tell him no and set that boundary and he leaves angry and i get back to flirting with that guy.
[23.05.24] ⚠ SEXUAL CONTENT
i was with █████ at the mall because she was dropping me off at home but i wanted a quick coffee and there was a new one that opened up outside. i was outside the mall which had been transformed into this courtyard where there was a bunch of small stalls of food places but like mini buildings. im walking outside from an auntie anns, when this guy tries swiping a bracelet i have on that i must've won at some game. i loudly joke around that im not gonna let my stuff be stolen, and i check out him and this other guy at a game stall (which i think was based off dolls?) you had to use some arrows to balance out the money balance in whatever way they told you. also for some reason you have to be topless??? there's this beautiful black woman next to me who is topless and wearing the necklaces you get as prizes. the guy watches the other guy fall, and i say that im going to try it. the guy looked like that comedian (████ █████████?). i try balancing it at first, but i don't read the directions right not realizing there's up and down arrows so he points it out. i do it right, my top is off, i put on the necklaces i won. i look behind and ███████ is there not looking at me but clearly is here because i am. so i whisper to the guy, " could you, um, stand behind me so i can put my clothes back on? my dad is right behind us." to which he nods and goes behind me. its really intense, and i think i "accidentally" (on purpose) back my ass up into his dick and he hitches his breath. his hands go to my hips and he whispers in my ear "we should, go somewhere alone so i can finally do what ive been wanting to do to you" or something to that effect.
i was in a joannes looking at patterns and kept trying them on but i didn't like any of them. me and my friends were at this school convention thing that resembled an indoor night market. there were stands everywhere; an art section, a coffee house upstairs which led to a big open field. me and █████ were doing karaoke and i was singing FROM the start by good kid. we'd been walking around for a bit so we went to the upstairs coffee shop and found █████ and ██████ and everyone else who were very burned out from school. me ██████ █████ and a nerdy guy and another guy and 3 other people were in the big open field and we were playing a game where if you got hit with this bioluminescent thing you were out, and when it was daytime the nerd saw some hill and ran to it and i ran behind him and he jumped recklessly on these very round light grey rocks with green moss and almost fell into a cavern between them. i kept trying to point out the huge mammoth bones to the right and he finally saw them and we heard a mammoth call every time we jumped up on them even if they were dead. we climbed to the top of the bones and slid down and jumped over the cavern. this guy that looks like sam elliot told us the trees existed for us and now it was time to pay them back then i woke up.
me, █████, ██████, and █████ were all trying to get into a club. before we were walking down by █th Street and the club was across the street from qfc but not actually because the scenery changed later so before we all had to go home and get ready and my home was an apartment again and i went in and ███ put black face on █████ because she wasn't well again so i got this pretty blue dress and wore it and ███████ had to sleep in a shed but he drove me to the club and asked if we were only hanging out in the non 21 section and i said yes even though i wasn't. so when i get there i text █████ to meet me outside so i could figure out how. while i was in line this girl has this cardigan she put a glittered Bad Brains patch onto. they got in but they never did come back out so i snuck in by letting them scan some other ladies ID and pretending it was mine and the lady saw and didn't care so i walked up the giant brick stairs to this giant building and finally got inside. i started dancing while i was looking for them and they started playing a green day song and i made it up some stairs and saw █████ and ██████ and █████ and they told me they were trying to watch a movie but it wasn't working. i asked them if i could borrow their lipstick and ██████ let me. we talked about a movie ryan gosling was in and then i woke up.
i was talking to Jarvis Johnson about something, there were these people who really wanted me to join their group but i didn't want to.
[23.04.24] ⚠ VIOLENCE
me a man and this other girl were being held by a sadistic murderer to complete challenges, otherwise he would kill us. the first we had to all find these words that had something in common and put them on this futuristic screen thing. eventually we did and our reward was getting incapacitated. there was more i couldn't remember, but one of the last ones was him having us build him a new fan. eventually i got out and the actor who played Hector from breaking bad came into the house and we all fender him off. he started acting really pathetic and childish.
███████ had unblocked me and started dming me some messages (a lot of them didn't load) and we met up at a coffee shop. he got me to try acid that looked like bandaids.
█████ is at my house (not my house irl but my house in the dream) and we're talking about random things, and i left to go to a room to put something away and i came back and he wasn't there but I checked my phone and he was texting me so i guess he had to go. but it was really nice casual friendly conversation
[29.03.24] ⚠ SEXUAL CONTENT
i took the ███ to ████████ and i got off at a highway and tried to beat it to the next stops which i did successfully. there's originally this older teen, maybe 19 or 20, and a girl his same age. im talking to him about music and they lay down and i think i accidentally almost dropped a white table on them
these young kids at a bus stop who
im the first part i was in bed with █████ ███████ and who i assumed to be his gf, it was in a hotel room bed and it was really hot. first he cuddled me and then he started kissing me and we had sex in the bed (i think that the girl kinda disappeared at this point) but it was also kinda like an objective because at the start some voice Said to try to bring up his time in Vietnam (which the real █████ ███████ never had) and if you did it cut to a purple game over screen with a cartoon on a soldier where he apparently shot himself.
in a different scene we're all in this large open area with some buildings. one is a school, there's some other empty buildings, a bathroom, a 711, etc. in the school area we're all inside for this winter themed event. there's snow on the ground inside. one character who is the irl version of Meredith from the Disney movie. i tell her that i like her dress, but and says she won't be taking the kingdom and her younger sisters will. i bring her to my table with some other people and ask about it.
at a certain point in night these 3 kids are on the outside of the school doors in the freezing snow. i recognize them as some kids who go to the school but something seems off so i don't open the door and try to coax them in. they get in, but so do a bunch of soldiers in black who round us up to the top of this hill. im sitting next to Meredith. this old politician is telling us how we're basically captives and asks if we have any questions. i plan on asking something to make fun of her but someone else asks before me and he gets shot in the head and falls down the back of the hill.
in the next part she tells us that we have to act as a certain character in this kind of real life Sims game. i play a broke random npc. when it starts im inside a building trying to hold the doors shut but because i don't have money i can't. i walk outside and ███ gestures to me to meet her in a big lighthouse type thing. i tell her i will in a sec so they don't know im plotting with her. the older politician catches on though because she's there with some other women when we get down there and had us arrange these bland shaped easter cookies onto a plate.
me and █████ were playing halo and i was actually pretty good at it. i would be shirtless sometimes and he wouldn't mind.
the singer for this emo band (who looked like a mix between a young ozzy and johnnie guilbert) was outside with me at night at some sort of bus stop. i was sitting along a wall to a store outside that was covered, and he sat on the opposite side. he was extremely drunk and was really horny and he made me so uncomfortable with how close he was. eventually im in a car with him and he's swerving in and around traffic. we get to this big German mall and all these people are acting like zombies. their heads are big and they have hype realistic cartoon eyes.
i had a dream where i was in a room with this cute guy with tan skin with a stubby mustache and beard who was my age who seemed to be single laying inand we end up kissing a lot.. like a lot a lot, so he helps and things get heavier and he's starts pulling my pants down and goes down on me. it's dark so i can't see his face. only when he comes up again it's not him, it's an old 50 year old with gray hair and an all gray beard. i back up because i thought i was kissing this sweet boy my age but instead i was taken advantage of. i start to realize what's happening, but he still tries to go down on me and kiss me even when im saying no and pushing him off and i scramble away and manage to leave the room. i fight my way out and lock him in there and i start crying. im sitting on the floor, and i look and see who i can call. there's a point he gets out of the bathroom i put him in but he doesn't leave, just stares. and i look up the boys Instagram and i see that he wasn't even single, and then i remember that i never actually was awake when he was kissing me initially and he started kissing me like that in my sleep. i remember just being so fucking scared that he would come back and finish what he started, or kill me, or that he would escape the room.
i was watching in 3rd person as ███ ███████ walked into this detectives office/classroom to try and become his partner. he notices there are already two people sitting in the chair, a guy who's supposed to be ████ and daphne from Scooby Doo the animated series. the detective is about to let him on before daphne says that they can't let him on because then they'd have to show him something. they walk into a safe and find a super tiny shelf with fake money the size of a fingernail. but then they rip it up with tweezers and find event smaller money inside it
i had a dream that i was with █████ ██████, i don't remember what happened but i remember something sensual happened. he was walking down the road at night in the rain and he literally looked like a vampire. i think we hugged???. in s different scene, this woman was turning an apartment into a church with magic for her own gain, and me and the other women who was black, unbeknownst to us helped her. when i found out I told her to give it back since it wasn't ours. i think we made up eventually after she found us and apologized
i was at this big theme park casino citadel thing and i saw ████ there and i was about to ask for an autograph but i took my hoodie off which accidentally took my shirt off and they said that was against the rules and i kept trying to explain that it was an accident but even ████ was being a dick about it so i left with security but i saw him again later and he completely switched up and signed it
i was on the bus to silver platters and this cute punk guy is on the bus too and we start talking about fashion and for some reason a like game menu pops up?
me and █████ were outside in the winter time at a frozen over lake and he's been avoiding me the entire time, and im getting really bummed, and eventually he goes onto the lake and says that he's becoming secular until the ice under him breaks and he plugges into the freezing water. i go over there and have to save him from there by pulling him out and hugging him close to me and he ends up changing his beliefs back
me and ████ were in this house and there was a real steep staircase leading down into a dark hole and some people w both know are there, an older guy and his little brother, and the little brother is hanging out with these dudes playing football and me and ████ are tossing the ball around and one of the guys talks to us. at one point we're inside this house and we have to clean it for some reason and it's like when i worked at starbucks and had to do all the closing tasks. me and the older guy both do it in 30 minutes and we talk about him we both used to work there. then we're sitting on a couch in some living room and i see him painting a women getting a facial and im super touchy feely with him and we mostly just talk and there's points where this little girl (who is supposed to be my little sister) keeps coming in and i have to keep kicking her out and eventually im leaning on him and i make a move and rub up and down his chest but he rejects me
[22.11.23] ⚠ SEXUAL CONTENT
im at this big art show that a lot of Instagram artists are going to, so i walk around and recognize a lot of the ones i like. eventually the event ends and we leave but something happens and the fire department gets called. two firefighters show up; a super cute late-20s early 30s guy and his bitchy partner. when me and ██████ are walking away from him to a different area i tell her that he's really cute but he accidentally hears me and says it was an ego boost and asks for my number. it takes a while but i finally write it down and give it to him. i think at a certain point we ended up being a couple, and we made out a lot. he would send me kinda cringe texts but i would ignore it because i liked him.
im in an old parking lot at night and i break into his car to change his oil for some reason, but he gets called with his female work partner and says he doesn't know if he can help me out of this one. i don't say sorry but i plead with my eyes and we go to a secluded area by an old dead tree and a broken car and plan to have sex. i hold his cheeks and kiss him. i got a good look at his face. he has a strong jaw and medium length brown hair. and a cute smile. kinda built like a hockey player.
im at ███ and we're going to a football game against a team with green buffalo mascot and this cute dorky kinda cringe dude starts making conversation and i kinda decide in my head that i wanna hook up with him
[07.11.23] ⚠ SEXUAL CONTENT
im invited out to ████s house and we play this phone game until my car is threatened to get towed by this Asian woman and two other old people and ████ says he's sorry and hugs me for a while before we start to kiss. we decide to watch a movie and plan on having sex basically but a bunch of people keep showing up in his house anytime we try to kiss. i text ██████ that i was going to hook up with my ex-bsf.
i work at this restaurant that's supposed to be the one i work at now but it looks nothing like it and the only person that's there is one of the cooks. some woman asked him for a super complicated coffee and i went to hang out and sat next to him with an easy order that he appreciated. on one scene i
[26.10.23] ⚠ SEXUAL CONTENT
im in a student apartment with a trans woman, a young Indian girl, and i try having sex with the trans women but neither of us know what we're doing and so i meet this guy named Spencer who is tall with blonde hair and jacked and then me him start to kiss and i lay down in the bed and we both get undressed and neither of us know what we're doing so he's about to eat me out when we get interrupted by something
in another scene everyone goes to this big wide empty motel room with some holograms from this evil lady and we win against them and me and Spencer reunite and we plan to go have sex at the apartment again when the woman who owns it comes back and tells us he can't live here because he's dead weight and doesn't contribute and then i woke up
i had a dream that me and █████ were working on a project together. in one scene im riding a bike really high in the air and landing perfectly down until we get to this hotel that looks like a temple. we stayed there for the night until around 3 am when i went to █████' room to help him work on the project. there's another friend who's just this blonde hot guy in a different room. in another scene me █████ two metal heads and a coworker of mine were in a library getting random things we needed and coming up with stuff. i told one guy i didn't like megadeth and only liked Dave. at one point me and █████ kissed
i was in this dystopic world where there were armed guards everywhere, and two people on their side were two guys: one metalhead with a Motorhead shirt and another in the outfit with the same one
i was trying to convince ███ ███████ to help and he said something like "listen to us, the only guitar that sounds good is purple, we sound bad" and i said "you're not bad, just specific" and he agreed it was super badass
i worked at this fancy restaurant with a cute blond guy, an old rich lady with heavy makeup and expense jewelry, a heavy set black lady and her white heavy set gf, a little kid, etc.
on one scene i am being taught how to make a cappuccino for this mean lady by grinding the coffee. in another im fixing my hair because the migos are here apparently,,l qlso had a crush on the blonde guy
at one point a fire breaks out and the entire staff flees the restaurant which is more of a slavery place than anything
i was at a fair with ███ and █████ and when you got there you had to recite some religious thing about your body, so i began recording secretly in my hoodie pocket and exchanged a look with █████ and told her i wasn't gonna do it and she got real mad
i only remember a little bit but it was just some standard dream stuff but suddenly i was like "wait i can do anything" and immediately started dreaming about being in bed with █████
me and ████ were there, and i kept hugging him and making out with him
i was invited to this guys house named bladee (who im sure is a real guy but i dont think he was the same one i was imagining) he looked like that spiderpunk cosplayer on insta. he wanted to invite me to collaborate and we basically just painted things.
had a dream that me and █████ ███ ███ were cuddling on the bed, and i kept hugging him and eventually we kissed. we both started making out, his facial hair kinda tickled and after we both cuddled. it felt so real too.
im in the safeway parking lot at the right entrance walking inside when i see drew gooden walking to his car. me and ███████ stop over there and drew is on the phone. ███████ tries dangling something in front of him but eventually goes inside. i stay by his car and he hands me some things with jokes on them. i eventually am able to actually ask for an autograph and he gives me a mini license around his neck on a necklace and it has his old apt info and court dates and its still a joke.
i think i was in the woods by my house and █████ was there. i told him how tall and jacked he was, and he kinda laughed along. I'm a different scene he was in the living room and we were talking about something. he lays across one of the couches and i lay next to him. i start telling him about this trans Japanese woman.
had a dream that it was dark outside the house and there was a huge storm and i was super paranoid and i kept opening and closing curtains because i was afraid of intruders. me and █████ end up getting snappy at each other and we stay up but eventually go to bed at like 4am. i ask him how many people would smoke 40grams if the government paid them. ███████ woke up and asked what we were talking about and we answered and he said "what, are you gonna make a joke about me smoking?" and we said no and he said "why the fuck are you up so late? are you seriously up this late? im fucking pissed" and i woke up. it was scary.
it was me and these three people who were friends: one was a blonde girl, another girl who didn't interact much, and a really cute emo guy. he had a black beanie, black jacket, black jeans, and a black shirt. we were all walking somewhere late at night. me and the blonde were taking pictures of the landscape. we were also all listening to some emo song i can't remember. it was dark and foggy and really deep blue. we walked up some super long steps on a hill and there was other people around us. we eventually got to this hidden parking lot and found some convenience stores. we went inside one where this older hefty Hispanic woman was working. i got my phone out to take a selfie with my friends except the other girl.
[02.06.23] ⚠ SEXUAL CONTENT
i had a dream that whenever i went outside my house people i couldn't see would try to get in and we'd have to shut the door quickly. at one point the people reveal themselves to be this good looking blonde Australian man, his henchman and this other pregnant aussie woman. me and the blonde end up fighting, but at one point he hit me somewhere and i moaned. he ended up stopping and teasing me and we were supposed to meet somewhere for sex.
i had a dream that i was at a high school. at this school, only half the student population can be there at a time for half the time you'd be in school. this was because school ages you quicker. i was there with this girl, and we were talking about a mysterious death that occurred at the school years ago of a young black girl named something with an E. ████████ was in this dream at my school for some reason and i was cuddling him in a blanket while reading a book about this girls death. my friend was on the other side. a black teen, short and pudgy, was sitting in the row in front of us. he got upset at how loudly i was reading about this tragedy. after this super small section of school where nothing really happened, me and the girl were walking down a hill where we run into this guy who looks like the ███-██ ███████ that looks like ██. ███████. he's got a flat plastic device the size of a book with him, with an iceberg on it. me and my friend talk to him about it and he says that it's just a tool he uses to measure things. we think nothing of it and go back to school. he says he's actually a student there, but he's already been there for 216 years and doesn't want to use the rest of his life. me and the girl go back and everyone is at their desks spread into individual columns and rows. i was sitting in the middle left, there was this Hispanic kid who was the class clown, the weird dude. at a certain point the guy talks about how he killed this "weird girl" because she was weird... and that's it. i think it was weird.
i had a dream that i was hanging out with ███ ███████. one store we met this old guy, one store we went in was Japanese, on the way out (we bought these Japanese coffee bobas) we started talking about guitars. he was telling me a story about how he invited two basketball players to his house and he said that they were less polite than some other people. very big dad energy, i love him.
had a dream that i was sloppily making out with █████ (?)
then i was sitting in a bed watching a murderer reenact how he killed some high schoolers at a party right in front of me. it felt like VR. when the last one was done, he lunged at me.
i had a dream that i was at a ████ show at some venue, but ████ couldn't sing for some reason so they had me do it. originally i just thought i was doing some maintenance. the stage was really long and kinda wrapped around until the bigger square of stage by the wall. all they did was tell me to get on stage from afar and told me where exactly to walk. i literally walked on people before reaching the stage. they basically just gave me the signal to sing and they started playing. i sang ███████ ██ ███ ████, and some woman also came on stage with me.
after, i ended up seeing them at some parking lot somewhere. they (the bassist and the drummer but it didn't look like the real ones) said they'd be singing a song from jail. ████ sees me up front in the crowd. a big jail cell falls around them and they start singing.
it cuts to this 1st person POV on the underside of some train tracks in New York. there's a big lake to the left. "i" start running, and there's a sense of urgency like i shouldn't get caught. once i eventually get away, the story shifts. now there are talks about a third Cars movie (even though there was one) and Doc is young and the movies about him.,
I was in a deep pool with a bunch of friends i didn't really know and a guy who was my boyfriend. he looked like ██████ ██████. the men were lined up on the ledge where those swimmer podiums are and they were jumping in the pool towards us. they do this a couple times.
in another scene also in the pool me and my boyfriend are making out.
i had a dream that i was playing a game with dome friends where you try to touch them with cardboard (?) and after me and some random people were
i was talking to ████ ███████ telling him how much he means to me and that he should help us. i told him about the memorial by his grave and that hes one of the best guitarists of all time. he asks me "whats changed?" and i told him people dont listen to the same music and he gets upset like "i knew it" i told him it was his job to keep his music alive, but he said no so i went to go cry somewhere inside the library.
an old lady found me and asked if i wanted to put
i was at a sort of camp (?) thing. in one scene, i was hanging out with some frat boys at a dinner table outside. we were joking and laughing, and at one point we put our hands in the middle and did that thing and you lift them up and say something. after we made our way through some random buildings.
me and █████ were talking and hanging out driving to a park at a neighborhood and we started walking. i was actually able to control my dream and we started making out.
i had a dream that i was on a trip with these two girls, one was Hispanic and i think the other was white.
one scene me and the Hispanic girl were walking down this beautiful jungle area. i said we should take a picture of the sunset but she kinda shrugged it off. we were on the edge of the water climbing and jumping over rocks and logs. eventually we got to a big obstacle course carved into the cave wall. there were two entrances with a giant block of jungle rock in the middle, and a wall of it on both sides of the entrance. once you got on top of the platform, you had to swing on a vine and launch yourself over a jungle rock wall to the next area. below was some water, like 50 feet deep from a 50 feet drop. since there were two entrances, it looked like it was supposed to be a race. the Hispanic girl swung first and did it on one try, but i couldn't do it the first time and ended up swinging to the right past some houses on the cliff (?)
i went back but there was no more vine so i just jumped in the water and swam. once i got to the next area, it was a similar premise. but there were 10 more people there all doing the course. i remember some inflatable toy thing, a wall you could climb, and the two vines. there was also a guy who seemingly ran it giving people advice. the entrance to the next part was close to the water, and it was a stone ramp that you had to climb on this makeshift ladder. and when you got to the top, you would make it first and win. jacksfilms was there and said besides him, i had won and i took a picture of the scoreboard above where I'd won. im not sure why hispanic girl didn't win but whatever.
next scene, i meet back with the Hispanic girl and she suggests going to meet some guy. apparently people like this guy or think hes cute or something (like the white girl me and the hispanic girl went with) but me and her went to his studio. the walls were green and he had a mat area set up near the back. he asked us if we were there to work out and we said yes. he asked if we'd stretched yet and i said no, let me go stretch out.
i started to do a V-sit but he told me it was wrong and that it was actually called an elbow split so i only had to touch my knees. i was confused but just went along with it. he went over to help the Hispanic girl (who i sensed he favorited) do that lying down leg stretch. the Hispanic girl started to kind of rub in almost how she was better than me and she also did taekwondo in WIT style. i said something snarky like "you mean the style that isn't internationally recognized?" and the workout guy just tried laughing it off and splitting us up.
at some point the dudes assistant started doing this weird thing with some popsicle sticks and this yellowish sauce? idk
i had a dream i was at a fancy restaurant and ███ ███████ called me daddy and fell on top of me and said "oops, we almost made out". his grandmother (who looked more like his mom, like the art gallery owner from its always sunny) was in town and he wanted me to pretend that i was his date. his grandmother was a huge leftist who was trying to kill some Republican.
i had a dream i was with this group of people (████ █████, ████ ███████, a girl, Santa,) for this sort of therapy thing i guess. so we were told to find a person/place that we could go to when we were upset. there were abunch of circular hot tubs in s few rooms. ███████ was there for this one scene. he was in the same big hot tub as me. i was trying to swim out but he told me to let these other two guys go first. the hot tub was pretty deep and hard to swim in. i eventually got out. me and this other girl decided (separately) to do a jog down a dirt road at night. we split paths after i went left down a different path covered in a lot of jungle that was almost underground. it was pitch dark. i was running down it but got a bad feeling so i turned around and went up.
in a scene before that, i was in my room and i had a fish tank again but it seems like every time i looked at it it got bigger. there were a lot more fish and they were all alive. my black molly accidentally jumped out of the tank so i put him back in. in a different scene, the tank seemed to be bigger and not even like the one i had originally. it didn't even feel like it was my room. it was like a zoo exhibit, there was a glass fence to keep some of the walking fish in. there was one that was blue and feathered, like a cross between a griffin and a fish. that's what it said on the nameplate. there was another regular lizard too and a turtle.
in one scene, the group from before and i were kind of being led on a tour/adventure. me and a few other people were trapped in this tree mechanism that had some gears and we got it opened enough for me to get out. i left the others there and slept in the girls room on a bed across from her. in the morning she chewed me out when she found i had left them there.
before this we were all sitting on this sort of slide thing that fit everyone in the group. it would transform one slide at a time and send everyone down eventually. I can't remember how the slide turned, but i remember the sections turning brown after. i remember screaming way louder than everyone else.
I had a dream that i kissed a guy (who inassume was my boyfriend) and asked if it was okay and he said yes. in a different scene █████ was there and asked me if something was up and i said id tell him once a kid left the room.
i had a dream that i saw this punk guy with some dark makeup and he went to some sort of grave or shrine that had some hard drugs laid on it. i took a bag of meth and brought it with me. i did some of it
████ was in my dream, and he was talking about this guy who would knock you out across the face if you wore a sports bra in the middle of the night and when you woke up you would be either at your home or a public place nearby. i tried it out by walking down the street by █████ ███████ on the corner by the park. it was pitch black, and as i was about cross the street, he got me right in the jaw. i 'woke up' with my jaw being sore and puffy.
in another scene, me and ██████ were on an airplane with █████ and █████ except the seats were set up like a movie theater with a big screen. the flight attendant was asked by a little kid if he could move the Bibles (?) from the seats so another kid could get on the plane, but the flight attendant said no because he wanted to make sure everything was in order and that every seat had one (i don't remember any seats having one). when we were in the air the seats somehow looked like a regular airplane. i asked ██████ to buy me a coffee before we got in the place, and she brought it to me on my seat and sat next to me by the window. i added some oatmilk that i had and remember being disappointed that it wasn't a latte. i also remember taking selfies of my busted jaw on the plane.
the plane i guess made a pit stop and we had some time, so me and ██████ visited some friends (i think it was ██████ from middle school) and i told her about the guy. i also remember at one scene finding a room with some pop sickles in a hotel room with a huge freezer and eating them.
i had a dream i was at ███ and there was a prom, but i was at a football game with some people. one looked like a woman with long brown hair, ████, and my date who was an Asian guy around my age. i was waiting for the game to start since there were like 8 games before ours but they were going really fast. i went to go get more food and caught my date cheating, but i wasn't mad. the woman found me, and i told her if there was any food open (all the vendors were closed) and she gave me her hot dog.
in a previous scene, when we were walking into the stadium, my date was talking about how we made out on steps like the ones we were using and i got kinda embarrassed. the woman kept talking about how everyone should fuck at prom.
i had a dream that a young non binary/aromantic person was trying to kill themselves by jumping off a huge tower, but someone stopped them. they were upset that we did, and they managed to try it again, only this time they succeeded. i tried saving them, and at first thought i did until the next scene where they walked up to me and said something, until i said "look down there" and their corpse was down there. they were in a relationship with a girl, who was devastated. after they died, we were having a funeral (some reason was a costume party?) and i was going to dress as a singer so i went back to the building and saw a bunch of people protesting that we made a memorial for them on the wall.
it was night and i was trying to sleep and █████ came into my room because i heard some shackle noises. it literally gave me sleep paralysis. i thought i actually saw him. i couldn't move but then i was able to turn away
the first scene i was in a sports bra and sweats, and █████, ███, and ████ all came over to talk to me about everything id done to them.
i had a dream where i was doing my makeup in a train and █████ started rubbing his face on mine and we both messed around. in a different scene we and ███ ███████ were in Minecraft trying to build an underground base.
i had a dream where there was a cute boy around my age that was going to build a sandbox so he asked me to pick up dirt and sand and i came home with that and car oil and other stuff and when i came home we had a cute moment where i jumped up to him and kissed him.
i had a dream that me and █████ were working at the same restaurant and he held my hand and in one scene we were goofing off with
i had a dream that me and ███████ were partners, and i was hanging onto the side of a building and he helped me up through a window and i gave him a hug.
i had a dream that i was hanging out with █████ in a bunch of these random places. the last one, he was late and there was a girl from an earlier scene who was doing some cooking show with this ugly overweight guy who kept insulting her. there were a few other people too. and eventually makes the dish and then another scene shoes them in a room while she holds his bloody face and then they wake up and she shoots the bird alarm.
in a previous scene, the girl was there to clean up some place that she'd done before and she hated when other people reminded her of that previous time cleaning.
in another scene, me and █████ are on a city block and he says something about a Spider-Man spin off, and then its an animated Puerto Rican Spider-Man.
in another scene, me and my family were in a ship that sells random things and there were music things i tried buying. there was an American Idiot display with the hand (and a foot for some reason), some albums, posters, and other stuff.
in another scene, we were all fighting some woman and end up winning. someone makes a dog catapult. all i remember about me and █████ was we were constantly being cute and flirty.
i was having a sleepover with █████ at my house (not irl) and he kept doing these really sexy things like trying a knot with his mouth. we laid down to watch a movie and i cuddle into his side. it was a super slow buildup.
[09.10.21] ⚠ SEXUAL CONTENT
i was delivering pizza to a hot middle aged guy and his nerdy friend, they were talking about tips and whether i get money from the delivery charge, i told him no. the sexual tension started to get higher, something happened and the older guy started making out with me and everything was super fast and super frisky.
something about looking up cats online. something about writin g letters and having them correct to a font.
me and the older guy tried to start some flower business with red, blue, purple bushes of flowers and ███ was there and told us to do it online so it wouldn't take up space.
before this, me and the family lives in this dystopia and ███████ was there. he had to take care of his mom and didn't want us touching his food bcs it was for his sick mom.